Saturday, January 9, 2010

RSS Feeds

My 5 top rated RSS Feeds

1: Schools Matter

This blog explores issues in educational policy and advocates for a recommitment to the public education system. Every professional should be aware of current issues in their field.

This blog focuses on adolescent literacy and technology in education, specifically the impact of Web 2.0 tools. Being a language arts teacher, I want to hear other perspectives and ideas in the area of literacy.

3: The Storybird Blog

This blog is by the creator of my new favorite Web 2.0 site, This blog expands on the idea of digital creativity, storytelling, media, families, and artists. Collaborating between illustrators and authors using digital media is an excellent resource for the classroom and aspiring writers.

4: Suzie Boss’s Blog

A writer and journalist, Boss writes about powerful teaching and learning. She is an advocate of project based learning and has written a book on the subject. Boss inspires educators to expand the boundaries of the four walls of the classroom.

5: Edutopia’s Blog

Provides up to date information on the latest and greatest initiatives and research in education. This is also one of my favorite educational websites.


  1. Stacie~
    You put together a great list of RSS feeds! I especially like your Wordle image at the top! :)

  2. You know, I am a self-confessed Edutopia junkie. I wish that they had an ITunes App.
